Dokončujeme druhé poschodia Aktuálne dokončujeme druhé poschodia a stropy na oboch budovách v Rezidencii Ďurkov. V blízkej dobe sa plánuje práca na strechách a celkové uzavretie hrubej stavby. Práce postupujú rýchlym tempom pod dohľadom odborníkov a pri dodržiavaní najvyšších bezpečnostných noriem. Po dokončení tejto fázy výrazne prispejeme k dokončeniu hrubých stavieb
Residence Ďurkov successfully sold Thank you for your trust and support. Stay tuned because we have another great project coming soon!
We are successfully completing the first floors We are currently finishing the first floors and ceilings of both buildings in the Ďurkov Residence. The work is progressing at a fast pace under the supervision of experts and in compliance with the highest safety standards. After the completion of this phase, we will significantly contribute to the completion of rough structures…
Foundation construction is underway Construction of the base plates of both buildings in the Ďurkov Residence is currently underway. Work on the foundation slabs continues at a high pace, which is evidence of intense activity on the construction site. The successful execution of base plates is key to the overall output of the project, therefore it is supervised by top…
We have started construction We have started the construction of the Ďurkov Residence! Right now we are in the initial stages of the project, where we are focusing on the preparation of the land and the construction of the access road. In the current phase, they started with the preparation of the terrain and the removal of obstacles in order…
Building permit for the Ďurkov Residence We are very pleased to announce that we have successfully obtained a building permit for the Rezidencia Ďurkov project. This approval is an important milestone for the entire project. The building permit gives us the green light and opens the way for the realization of our vision in the form of an exclusive residence….